Table 6.2 presents a simple comparison of chat activity among interview participants and other chat users. There are countless TupiTea reviews from
natural male enhancement users who consider TupiTea a completely unique health supplement that has done wonders for their health. I am conducting a study that examines the work of developers who have contributed to the IndieWeb. 2012) reviewed ten years of research about motivations for contributing to open source projects, and this review provides useful insights for understanding how FLOSS structures can support collaborative and benevolent modes of work. Read the rest of Allen’s interview, and 14 other equally great interviews with coders, in Seibel’s book, Coders at Work. In part this is because I viewed the early stages of my data collection as an opportunity to focus on observation, so as to develop technical fluency to better understand IndieWeb discussions and to prepare myself for conducting interviews. Further, centres of power derived from technical acumen inherit historical biases related to privilege.