Author Topic: Eight Cannabidiol Mistakes It is best to Never Make  (Read 20 times)


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Eight Cannabidiol Mistakes It is best to Never Make
« on: March 01, 2025, 11:49:26 pm »
If you’ve been waiting for a safe, all-natural, effective replacement for your prescription RA pain medications, CBD products just might be the treatment option you’ve been looking for. You might also consider a second consultation from a cannabis doctor with an expertise in using CBD oil as a medical supplement. A decade ago there may have been a negative stigma associated with the use of cannabis and cannabis-derived products, but thanks to recent legislation and public education, that stigma is disappearing. Some brands, in fact, have recently been questioned by the FDA as to the validity of their "cannabidiol containing" products. As such, it is important to point out that not all people suffering from RA will experience the same therapeutic effects of the drug - some, in fact, may not experience any effects at all. In more severe cases, many people will be prescribed pharmaceutical-strength drugs as a means to deal with the chronic pain. After decades of treating his RA with biologic drugs and steroids, Lev was on the verge of accepting the pain as his "new normal." However, he’d heard of other people with the condition using cannabinoids (cbd weed buds) to alleviate their pain and, four years ago, he decided to give it a try, too.