20 December 2018 (China: youngsters policy) China stopped ordering couples to have just one child. The wicked have to INDOCTRINATE youngsters with the homosexual agenda, even permitting GLSEN to show public school children find out how to fist-intercourse their partner. Yet Hollywood celebrities resembling Sigourney Weaver boast of having homosexual mates, condemning the Word of God underneath the label of "organized religion." It is the Word of God, and never organized religion, that condemns homosexuality! Sigourney Weaver is saying that homosexuals are God's creatures, and nobody ought to make God's creatures feel unworthy or unloved because they are homosexual. To make a toddler feel unworthy and unloved when every little one is God's creature, she feels is immoral. A family's love for each other should be unconditional, simply as God's love. Psalm 97:10 teaches, "Ye that love the Lord, hate evil." We're to hate evil, but never the sinner. Jacob Hope Chapman of Anime News Network said the anime collection Revolutionary Girl Utena and Sailor Moon are Steven Universe's strongest influences visually and structurally, reflected by its "predominantly playful tone, interrupted by crushing drama at key moments", and its "glorification of the strengths of femininity, dilution of gender boundaries, and emphasis on a large variety of relationships between girls, geared toward a family audience".